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Processes of contradiction: An exploration into the geo-strategic, geo-economic and geo-political implications of Canada's human security doctrine

Posted on:2005-01-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Plunkett, Shawn GFull Text:PDF
GTID:2456390008993977Subject:Political science
Human security, as practised by the Chretien government, is essentially a contradictory doctrine that protects Canada's geo-strategic, geo-economic and geo-political interests, while reveling in an appearance of universal, common, and individual security. The human security doctrine fails as a more inclusive security doctrine for the following three reasons. The human security doctrine emphasizes universality, yet the lack of universal application protects Canada's strategic interests, both geographical and economic. The human security doctrine emphasizes common security, yet it actually does more to protect Canada's interest in maintaining the current economic trading system. Finally, the human security doctrine emphasizes individual security, yet it protects and reenforces the notion of the Westphalian state. These three claims will form the basis for the argument that Canada's human security agenda is essentially a contradictory doctrine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human security, Doctrine, Canada, Geo-economic and geo-political
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