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Above the Flesh

Posted on:2013-01-22Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Hogan, RomealFull Text:PDF
The goal of this paper is to outline the production of the film "Above the Flesh", from conceptualization to completion. Also included in this paper are supplementary materials in order to further exhibit the production processes and any alterations to story and execution made. "Above the Flesh" explores the enigma of the carnal, animal nature of man in relation to socialization and religion. The film takes place in, and attempts to deconstruct the ideal domestic environment. The story unfolds from the viewpoint of the protagonist, Evan, a neurotic and sickly 25 year-old. Returning home for his 25 th birthday, he finds a replica of himself already there. The replica, which turns out to be his twin brother separated from birth, is seemingly perfect in every way he's not. The viewer is challenged with the question of what is good and evil as the differences between the twins emerge. The film was shot in HD video on the Canon 5D Mark II, then edited, enhanced with color correction, sound design and digital compositing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flesh
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