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I > WE> US Alternative Architecture Platform for Social Development

Posted on:2014-04-01Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Mamoun, MaysanFull Text:PDF
Political, economic and cultural circumstances in Saudi Arabia have shaped the urban context in the country; at the level of societal evolution, the role of the architect has been essential in generating a spatial reality. However, as a consequence of historical circumstances, the function of architects at present is diminished. This thesis focuses on how the architect's role can begin to be resituated in Saudi Arabia and the greater Middle East by attempting to shift public spaces from spatial consumption to spatial production. The theoretical core of this idea is developed out of the work of both Henri Lefebvre (theory of the production of space) and Allan Kaplan (concept of development). These theories are then re-imagined and inserted into a framework of I>WE>US. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia will serve as the locale for engaging architects and citizenry in tactical projects in public spaces. Finally, a THINKUP strategy will be employed as an alternative architectural platform for social development in Saudi Arabia and the broader region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Saudi arabia
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