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Three essays in antidumping theory and policies

Posted on:2007-03-05Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Lau, Chui HaFull Text:PDF
This thesis contains three essays on antidumping theory and policies. Essay one is a theoretical analysis of whether antidumping duties can deter price discrimination dumping. Simple, partial duties that are not administratively reviewed repeatedly over time often would not deter the exporters from dumping, while fully revised antidumping duties would eliminate dumping. However, since administrative reviews of antidumping duties are conducted at most once a year, most of the duties in practice are most likely to be partial duties. As a result, the model suggests an important reason why antidumping duties may not deter dumping.; Essay two examines how macroeconomic variables such as real GDP, real effective exchange rates, productivity growth and the Canadian trade balance could affect the incentives of the Canadian firms to file antidumping complaints. A dataset based on the Canadian antidumping cases between the years 1984 to 2003 has been constructed. The results suggest that an appreciation in the Canadian real effective exchange rate or a Canadian productivity improvement tends to decrease the number of AD complaints filed. The incidence of affirmative injury findings also tends to drop with real exchange rate appreciations, but a Canadian productivity improvement tends to result in more injury findings.; Using the same dataset, essay three examines whether macroeconomic variables such as the Canadian real GDP, the exporting countries' real GDP, the Canadian productivity index, the real effective exchange rates, and the Canadian trade balance could affect the values of the dumping margins. The results suggest that the higher the Canadian real GDP and trade balance, the lower are the dumping margins. Meanwhile, a Canadian productivity improvement is often associated with higher dumping margins. The dumping margins in the steel industry are also examined. The same macroeconomic variables affect the steel dumping margins, but the real GDP growth in the exporting countries also plays a role in determining the dumping margins in the steel industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dumping, Real GDP, Essay, Three, Canadian productivity improvement
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