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A favor del pueblo, contra los Chinos: Coverage of the Chinese by California's Spanish-language newspapers, 1855-1898

Posted on:2012-09-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Bobadilla, Massiel YFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390011956802Subject:Asian American Studies
The central goal of this work is to shed light on a frequently overlooked aspect of history ---the interaction of Chinese and Mexican Californians in the years following statehood. Using the state's Spanish-language newspapers as primary documents, the complexities of this interaction were analyzed with the intent to present a historical work that functions beyond the overused framework of "White vs. Other." By a review of more than 300 of these newspapers' articles, a fuller, more complex image of race relations in 19th century California began to emerge -one that accounts for the state's truly plural ethnic makeup during some of its most formative years.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spanish-language newspapers
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