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The power dynamics of religion in a globalized world: Recognizing the role of technology and social networks in alleviating Muslim-Christian tensions

Posted on:2012-07-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Panaligan, Vanessa JFull Text:PDF
This research illuminates the role of communication technologies and expanding social networks in influencing the trajectory of Muslim-Christian relations. While it brings attention to perceived negative uses of such resources to provoke tension and fundamentalism, its primary objective serves to enlighten the reader(s) on the ways in which technologies and social networks can promote efforts to ease tension between the faiths. In the case studies of sectarian tension in contexts with highly distinct socio-political and cultural attributes: France, Egypt and Nigeria, I present the range of possibilities that they offer in helping to manipulate the social circumstances.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social, Tension
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