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Cinema and architecture: Designing for the Puerto Rico International Film Festival

Posted on:2012-07-21Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Fuentes-Figueroa, Merian LFull Text:PDF
Reality and Fiction collide, opposites interact and the local film culture is enhanced with the design of a home for the Puerto Rico International Film Festival. PRIFF is an opportunity to create a formal destination for individuals passionate about film and to establish the basis for a Puerto Rican film culture in a setting where users will interact and exchange ideas while they experience the shift between reality and fiction expressed in the architecture. The project is a hybrid idea that combines Cinemas, Cultural Center and Production Studios. It is a cultural hub that seats at the heart of a new master plan for an undeveloped site at the shore of the San Juan Bay.
Keywords/Search Tags:Film, Puerto
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