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Existencialismo en 'Narromaniando con Mirta o no me platiques mas' de Carmen Lugo Filippi (Spanish text, Carmen Lugo Filippi, Puerto Rico)

Posted on:2005-11-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Valentin Rodriguez, Angela MariaFull Text:PDF
Carmen Lugo Filippi, female writer from what is called Generación del 60 (60's Generation). She is known as an outstanding writer of short stories and as a literary critic. Recently, her first novel was published under the name of Narromaniando con Mirta o no me platiques más (1999). Most of her literary work has been analyzed through feminism and sociology. In this research we present from a new point of view Lugo Filippi's literary style. Using existentialism as a primary guide, we take her novel and describe how the behavior of the characters shows the reality of alienation, absurdity, and solitude in which human being lives because of his fear of existence itself. This tendency to reject responsibility of living has been presented before by two philosophers, Sören Kierkegaard and Jean Paul Sartre. We use their concepts of “aesthetic life” (Kierkegaard's) and mauvaise foi or “bad faith” (Sartre's) to prove how Lugo Filippi's characters alienate from the world that surrounds them and point out other people as the cause of their own existential crisis. Then, we believe that Narromaniando con Mirta o no me platiques más, far more than a feminist novel that attacks social problems, is a work that deals with human being's internal problematic. Therefore, is our vision that her novel should be considered existentialist.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carmen lugo filippi, Con mirta, Platiques, Novel
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