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The development of nanoscale techniques for the study of electrodes associated with biochemical processe

Posted on:2012-08-29Degree:M.PhilType:Thesis
University:Swansea University (United Kingdom)Candidate:Gordon, Daniel JamesFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390011455280Subject:Biomedical engineering
Bioelectrochemistry is a growing area with a great deal to offer technology, particularly in the fields of power generation, biosensors and medicine. The interfacial processes between electrodes and biological materials are central to understanding and exploitation of these processes. The aim of this project was to investigate these processes by studying the interactions at the electrode surfaces. A number of techniques were employed to investigate the types of electrodes and the chemical reactivity with particular reference to biological materials Initial studies of electrode characteristics were carried out through cyclic voltammetry studies of methyl viologen and oxygen. In the study different electrodes and different surface finishes are investigated. The topology of the electrodes is examined through the use of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), giving both images and statistical analysis of the surface roughness. Finally the bioelectrochemistry of proteins on the electrodes are investigated using the studies of laccase, azurin and the fouling of the electrode by bovine serum albumin. Although establishing the basic methods and techniques required to study proteins on surfaces, the study did not give conclusive results as to electrode choice or the nature of the protein electrode interaction. It does however; indicate that a pyrolytic graphite edge plane electrode polished with alumina slurry is likely to be the best electrode for use with proteins. The studies with proteins need to be developed further and recent publications suggest several new methods that could be used. During the work, many obstacles were encountered in the use of proteins, so this study puts forward possible methods of avoiding the same problems in the future. Likewise, new methods of investigation of electrode surfaces are put forward including Conducting-AFM, Electromagnetic Force Microscopy (EFM) and the imaging of double layers at a charged electrode using an AFM in fluid.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electrode, Techniques
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