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Figurations et configurations de la femme auteur dans 'La comedie humaine' d'Honore de Balzac

Posted on:2012-07-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Vioux, AmelieFull Text:PDF
This thesis analyses the position of the woman writer in La Comedie humaine through a sociocritical and historical perspective. The hypothesis is that Balzac reappropriates stereotypes typically conferred upon female writer (the learned lady, the bluestocking), casting some in a positive light. The first part of the thesis deals with the " figurations " (GREMLIN) of these women -- emphasizing their masculine characteristics (their physical appearance, their morals and their behavior) -- and with a presentation of their work. The second part focuses on their relationships and on the " configuration1 " (Elias) in which they take part. Within the cultural couple, women writers have considerable influence over their masculine colleagues. Within high society, they are able to establish an ideal and influential salon. Despite his constant irony towards these women, Balzac transforms one of them, Camille Maupin, into a model of the genius writer.; The German word " Figuration " in Elias' work is translated as " figuration " in English, and " configuration " in French. I chose to keep the word " configuration " in order to distinguish GREMLIN's concept from Elias'.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comedie, Figuration
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