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Emotional competence in a pre-kindergarten classroom: Links to social and emotional competence

Posted on:2012-07-01Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Beisly, AmberFull Text:PDF
Scope and Method of Study: This study explores the relationship between emotional, social and academic competence in a low income pre-kindergarten sample. This study used a quasi-experimental design to examine the effectiveness of an intervention program, Second Step. Participants included 62 students, 41 students in the experimental condition and 21 students in the control group. Students were assessed in emotional knowledge via an emotion naming, emotion labeling and situation knowledge task. Students were assessed in emotion regulation via a delay of gratification task and in empathy via a response to vignettes task. Students' social and academic competence was measured via teacher report.;Findings and Conclusions: Positive correlations were seen between study variables. A Repeated Measures ANOVA found that students in the experimental group saw a significantly greater increase in scores in social competence, reading and math over the control group from pretest to posttest. The relationship between emotional competence and English Language Learners is also discussed, though no significant differences were found for this population. The importance of early intervention for low income and English Language learners is discussed...
Keywords/Search Tags:Emotional, Competence, Social
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