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George F. Walker's Better Living: Playing with difference; a Canadian family on an American stage

Posted on:2013-11-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Miami UniversityCandidate:Marsh, Alexandra WhitneyFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study is to examine Canadian identity via the development of Canada's modern theatre, to understand its relationship to Nationalism, and to explore the influence of playwright George F. Walker. This thesis functions as a two-part study: first, as a research project that focuses on dramatic constructions of Canadian identity, specifically within the plays of George F. Walker and relating to Benedict Anderson's concept of the "imagined community," and second, a discussion/analysis of the process of directing George F. Walker's play Better Living and examining the responses of cast, crew, and audience members to this example of Canadian Theatre. Using Anderson's texts, informed observation, and notation of the production process (including: auditioning, rehearsal, direction, performance, and finally a survey to examine audience response) this study examines constructions and perceptions of Canadian Nationalism as communicated through the theatrical production of Better Living. .
Keywords/Search Tags:Canadian, Living, George
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