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Six discourse markers in Tunisian Arabic: A syntactic and pragmatic analysis

Posted on:2013-10-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North DakotaCandidate:Adams, ChrisFull Text:PDF
The following study is a description and analysis of six discourse markers in Tunisian Arabic. In it I will attempt to determine the syntactic and pragmatic roles of each marker, describing its function in discourse. The final analysis will be based on the pragmatic model of relevance theory.;I have based my study on thirty-two (32) texts in Tunisian Arabic, looking at frequently-occurring discourse markers in these texts and analyzing them based on their discourse roles in terms of local cohesion and pragmatic inference.;The conclusions of this study focus on the conceptual and procedural content of each discourse marker. I have attempted to identify the syntactic and pragmatic role of all six markers, looking at their argumentative functions in discourse. The result is a unified pragmatic function for each discourse marker.
Keywords/Search Tags:Discourse, Tunisian arabic, Pragmatic
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