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How Don Nigro is reimagining history for the stage

Posted on:2013-06-16Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Calvano, JennFull Text:PDF
American playwright Don Nigro has written over 300 plays; however, he is not as widely known as one would expect. His historical plays are satirical comedies that mix fact and fiction together to reimagine historical events, presenting these stories from a new perspective. This thesis analyzes several of Nigro's historical plays through a lens similar to that employed by historical theorist Hayden White in his 1973 work Metahistory. Combining the study of these plays with a historical methodology allows one to acquire an understanding of the similarities between how history is typically written and how Don Nigro is not only reimagining history, but the unique style he employs within this genre. By representing the views of those who are historically the underdog, or someone whose voice is not typically recorded into the annals of history, Nigro asks his audience to consider the event within a new light.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nigro, History, Plays
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