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A comparison of learners of English in Puerto Rico and in Japan

Posted on:2005-12-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Ryu, TsunekoFull Text:PDF
To compare learners of English in Puerto Rico and Japan, the researcher conducted this study within a world Englishes framework and used qualitative survey methodology to carry out tape-recorded interviews, which contained a written questionnaire. To find out what constituted (un)successful language learning, she interviewed 10 successful and 10 unsuccessful learners from each society.; The results showed that regardless of the type of society in which learners were located, successful learners took charge of their own learning, read in English, took advantage of English media, were self-motivated, and wanted to have contact with native speakers. Unsuccessful learners tended to depend on teachers, and their methods and materials, instead of sustaining their own self-motivation and taking charge of their own learning. To enrich the English using societies of Puerto Rico and Japan, learners are encouraged to read in English and to take advantage of English language media and the Internet.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learners, English, Puerto rico
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