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The twenty-first century farm: Strategies for successful farming in the new millennium

Posted on:2013-07-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Rose, JamesFull Text:PDF
Small and medium-size farms are important cultural and economic entities throughout the world. Like all small businesses owners, modern farmers must learn to cope with and adapt to the realities of the marketplace and the ever-changing complexion of the modern business, social, and physical environments. This creative project is presented in a website ( ) that presents model survival and profit-building strategies, as well as considerations of ethical practices and farming's historical lineage, in order to help equipfarmers to react to rapidly evolving social, economic, and cultural conditions as they unfold in the new millennium. Beyond its primary purpose of consolidating and presenting a number of new and emerging ideas and technologies in farming and farm life, this format also provides a vehicle to update these elements. Additionally, the electronic format allows farmers and experts in the field opportunities to interact and contribute to the subject and to dialogue with each other and the public through provided links, email, and blogs.
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