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The intellectual and social relationship of Thomas More and Desiderius Erasmu

Posted on:2006-07-22Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tarleton State UniversityCandidate:McLatchy, Michael AndrewFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390008976904Subject:European history
In 1499 Desiderius Erasmus met Thomas More while visiting England. The two men became close friends. Erasmus would visit England several times, often staying in More's home. Both men were deeply interested in classical literature, particularly the Greek classics. More and Erasmus influenced each other's literary works. The two scholars even collaborated on some projects. Some of their work drew criticism and they defended each other when controversy arose. The two men remained friends throughout their lives. Through shared experiences, More and Erasmus developed a deep personal friendship. Understanding their relationship can provide insight into the historical context in which these two scholars wrote such works as Utopia and Praise of Folly. Such insight can provide a better understanding of the works themselves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Erasmus
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