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Cross-disciplinary Integration of Musical Works and Visual Arts through Computer Technology

Posted on:2014-09-27Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Newton, Keith RandolphFull Text:PDF
Cross-disciplinary Integration of Musical Works and Visual Arts through Computer Technology is a document that explores a range of topics specific to the integration of musical works and visual arts, and the cross-disciplinarity that occurs when this integration is facilitated through advances in computer technology. It also describes processes and technical resources used in the production of cross-disciplinary works. The study of cross-disciplinary works in this document is specific to musical works and visual arts which have been combined through computer technology. It also provides insight into institutional models of cross-disciplinarity and provides selected examples for study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Computer technology, Musical works and visual arts, Cross-disciplinary integration
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