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The divine sickness: A study of madness in Greek tragedy

Posted on:2005-10-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Queen's University (Canada)Candidate:McDonald, Glenda CamilleFull Text:PDF
The goal of this thesis is to explore the concept of madness as it is presented in Greek tragedy. The study begins with a review of fifth-century ideas about madness, since the playwrights themselves would likely have shared these beliefs. Popular ideas about the composition and functioning of the human mind are examined, from the perspective of both lay people and the ancient physicians. The thesis then moves on to a comprehensive review of all the extant and fragmentary tragedies that feature manifestations of madness.; In this comparison of tragedies, several common aspects of madness are made evident. We first notice that most characters seem to descend into madness in one of two main ways: either instantly, or through constant, drawn out torment. Once maddened, characters exhibit physical attributes and behavioural traits that link the different manifestations together. Distinct types of madness also become evident, which helps us to understand tragic madness.; Recovery from madness is an important aspect of Greek tragedies, since it is here that the playwrights are able to explore the effects of mental illness on the heroes. Although several processes of recovery are represented in our collection of madness tragedies, none of them is achieved without great pain and suffering.; The presentation of madness in the tragedies provides an interpretation of the disease that represents contemporary ideas on the subject. The tragedians provide clear examples of the causes and effects of madness, and the drastic impact that this disease has on its sufferers. There is also some indication of the effect that madness has on the community, both while the sufferer is mad, and after he or she has begun the recovery process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Madness, Greek
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