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If the Shoe Doesn't Fit: Poems about relationships

Posted on:2012-02-13Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Southern Connecticut State UniversityCandidate:Mottola, Patricia JFull Text:PDF
IF THE SHOE DOESN'T FIT: POEMS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS consists of a collection of lyric poems that concentrate on evoking a sense of shared emotive/imaginative reality between poet and reader by addressing the full range of human relationships, from parent-child to husband-wife to one's relationship with oneself. The poems are drawn from personal, observed, and imagined experiences. My thesis exemplifies the poet's practice of various elements of the craft of poetry (metaphor, simile, allusion, image etc.) and the creative writer's understanding of the relationship between art, imagination, and life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poem
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