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Multiplicity and metaphor: Gerhard Richter's intermedia translation

Posted on:2005-10-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Concordia University (Canada)Candidate:Hopkinson, JanineFull Text:PDF
This project has multiple ambitions: It presents a theoretical model, Deleuze and Guattari's rhizome, which offers an alternative discourse for the study of translation. It further broadens the very discussion of translation by considering its value as a metaphor; presenting as its object visual, rather than linguistic texts, this project proposes an analysis of work by visual artist Gerhard Richter, whose work is described as an intermedia translation between photography and painting. Some of the questions it raises are: in what ways can translation between media in the visual or other arts be considered similar or different from text translation? How might hybridity in contemporary visual practice inform the concept of hybridity in writing practice such as translation? Conclusions are formulated in terms of further research to be accomplished in order to better understand these issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation
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