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Manuel Rodrigues Coelho's 'Flores de Musica' (1620)

Posted on:2005-06-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Silva, Duarte Manuel Oliveira daFull Text:PDF
The present thesis is a analysis of the Manuel Rodrigues Coelho's (1555?--1635?) Flores de Musica, published in 1620. Flores is presently the printed volume of music for keyboard and harp to have survived from seventeenth-century Portugal. After a short literature review concerning Coelho's life and work (ch. 2), the following chapters (3, 4, 5, and 6) present Coelho's biography, the cultural and educational institutions of the period, instruments, and musical influences of Northern Europe, Spain, and Italy on the composer's work. Chapter 7 presents an analysis of Tento 23 and discusses the liturgical settings, as well as an overview of Coelho's particular characteristics found throughout the compositions in Flores. My conclusion suggests a link Coelho provides between late Renaissance and early Baroque keyboard literature in the Iberian Peninsula.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flores, Coelho's
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