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The Warnebertus Reliquary: A study in early medieval metalwork

Posted on:2005-05-30Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Missouri - ColumbiaCandidate:Hunvald, Katharine CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390008484091Subject:Art history
The elaborate seventh-century metal casket known as the Warnebertus Reliquary has attracted scholarly attention for over a century. This small but sumptuous container is distinguished by the juxtaposition of two very different decorative styles on opposite sides. This synthesis of two contrasting styles can be seen as an attempt to satisfy the tastes of patrons who admired Mediterranean ornament while retaining an interest in designs expressed in Late Germanic Animal Style II. Recent archaeological discoveries illuminate the cultural context in which the Warnebertus Reliquary and related artifacts were made. Considered as a group, these luxurious metal objects illuminate the identity of Warnebertus, contemporary craft traditions, and the trade in luxury goods and cult objects in the early Middle Ages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Warnebertus
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