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Sediment: Memory & Forgetting

Posted on:2014-07-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nebraska at OmahaCandidate:Aichinger, Scott RFull Text:PDF
Sediment is a collection of essays exploring the spaces where memory and forgetting overlap in the process of remembering the self, others, and one's relationships with place. In particular, essays employ a variety of embodied writing techniques to examine tensions between truth, fact, and fiction. Early essays develop innovative theories about memory, using metaphor, aesthetics, and perspective to connect abstract frameworks to bodily experience. Later essays employ those theories of memory in their interpretations and reflections on experience, resulting in a collection that embodies the process of remembering and meaning making. By utilizing a variety of forms and styles, Sediment celebrates the fluidity of identity construction, as well as moving out of the familiar in order to encounter new ways of knowing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Memory, Essays
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