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Four companies: FDI effects on Mexican retail

Posted on:2006-07-22Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Alvarez Galvan, Jose LuisFull Text:PDF
Mexico's society experienced substantial changes over the last twenty years. These changes were the result of the abandonment of import substitution industrialization and the establishment of export-oriented industrialization. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) participation in Mexican economy is one of the key elements of this new strategy. In retail's case, Wal-Mart's entry into the Mexican market in the early 1990s has led to the modernization of the sector as well as to the destruction of many Mexican retailers and suppliers, without substantial benefits in terms of prices for Mexican customers or better jobs for the local population.; In this thesis, Wal-Mart effect on Mexican retail is analyzed studying the performance of the U.S. company and its three biggest Mexican rivals. The results show that Wal-Mart's effect on Mexico's society represents enormous challenges and negative effects for the Mexican base industry, employment and customers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mexican
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