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Spatialized music: Multi-locational audio cinema made for one listener in a specialized chamber

Posted on:2014-08-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:McKevy, DavidFull Text:PDF
This thesis demonstrates musical composition that incorporates changes of sound positions. An auditorium and supporting electronic systems with the potential of 22 discrete audio channels conveyed by 25 speakers was constructed. Music was composed and/or modified to be listened to within the auditorium by one person at a time, without light, in total darkness. My intention was to maintain an isotropic soundfield. The music is fabricated from found sounds and real instruments and does not use words.;The spatial music composed incorporates many special techniques. These are described in this thesis. "Audio cinema" is my term for music that moves in three dimensions by contrast with stereo listening, which only involves two.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music, Audio
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