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Trade, diplomacy and state formation in the early modern Mediterranean: Fakhr al-Din II, the sublime Porte and the court of Tuscany

Posted on:2007-07-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Olsaretti, AlessandroFull Text:PDF
This thesis explores the relations between the Druze emir Fakhr al-Din II Ma'n and three successive Medici Grand Dukes between 1605 and 1633. Eschewing traditional historiographical concerns with the origins of Lebanese nationalism and the cultural encounter between East and West, I have sought first and above all to locate relations between this powerful emir and the Court of Tuscany within the broader context of Mediterranean history.; I suggest that the actions of Fakhr al-Din and of the Medici Grand Dukes have to be understood in relation to broad, long-term trends in the economic and social history of the Mediterranean. I explore two of these trends in detail: the breakdown in commercial and diplomatic relations between Florence (and then Tuscany) and the Ottoman empire during the course of the sixteenth century; the bargaining between the Porte and provincial power-holders in the Syrian provinces in the century following the Ottoman conquest.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fakhr al-din, Mediterranean
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