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When a Patient Leaves the Clinical Environment: Technology and Chronic Illness in HCI Literature

Posted on:2012-08-30Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of California, IrvineCandidate:Forsman, Catherine AnneFull Text:PDF
This literature review examines research in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) focusing on technology used in chronic illness situations. Themes explored are: (1) where self-care takes place once an individual with a chronic illness leaves a clinical setting; and (2) how technology is used outside the clinical environment; and (3) how people make sense of, reflect upon, and manage self-monitoring information. Research on technology and chronic illness is in a nascent state and is currently focused on how technology may aid people in recording and making sense of self-monitored information outside the clinical environment in order to manage a chronic illness or change behavior. However, self-monitored information brings with it a host of concerns for individuals such as how to make sense of that information, how to collaborate with others, how to protect privacy, and potential information overload. A gap is exposed through the literature review for technology that can continuously monitor an individual's health and perform prediction and alerting of that behavior so that individuals who are managing a chronic illness, and attempting to change behavior, may easily be notified when something has gone wrong in the present moment. Finally, where self-care takes place is an important research landscape in this review, as the home becomes a care environment for those diagnosed with a chronic illness once they leave a clinical setting. Given this, the need for technology and collaborations between clinicians and individuals to envision how their home care environment may best fit their chronic illness needs is explored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chronic illness, Technology, Environment, Literature, Self-care takes place
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