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Design and Development of an Anthropomorphic Hand Prosthesis

Posted on:2012-01-01Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Victoria (Canada)Candidate:Carvalho, Andre Rui DantasFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390011954572Subject:Mechanical engineering
This thesis presents a preliminary design of a fully articulated five-fingered anthropomorphic human hand prosthesis with particular emphasis on the controller and actuator design. The proposed controller is a modified artificial neural network PID-based controller with application to the nonlinear and highly coupled dynamics of the hand prosthesis. The new solid state actuator has been designed based on electroactive polymers, which are a type of material that exhibit electromechanical behavior and a liquid metal alloy acts as the electrode. The solid state actuators reduce the overall mechanical complexity, risk failure and required maintenance of the prosthesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prosthesis, Hand
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