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Quality and intensity of pain associated with continuously applied orthodontic stresses of relatively high and low magnitudes

Posted on:2012-01-02Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Missouri - Kansas CityCandidate:Hentscher-Johnson, Jodi KFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390011458006Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose was to assess longitudinally pain intensity and quality during tooth translation by 2 continuous stresses. Eight subjects (five males, 3 females) who required maxillary first premolar extractions had maxillary canines retracted segmentally using 4 kPa on one side and 78 kPa on the other. Subjects scored Modified McGill Pain Questionnaire-Short Forms (MMPQ-SF), Visual Analogue Scales (VAS), and Present Pain Intensities (PPI) for both sides at the beginning of 13 appointments during 4 phases: baseline, post-placement of separators, early and later tooth-loading.;Pain intensity (MMPQ-SF, VAS, PPI) and generalized/emotional subscale scores showed no significant differences between stresses. Localized subscale scores were higher for 78 kPa compared to 4 kPa sides. Females tended to report higher VAS and PPI compared to males. Significant differences were found between baseline and post-placement of separators and between baseline and early tooth-loading using MMPQ-SF and localized subscale scores.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pain, Intensity, Stresses, Subscale scores, MMPQ-SF
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