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Safety assessment of microwave radar breast imaging in the 0.434-9 GHz range

Posted on:2012-12-09Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Vander Schueren, MichaelFull Text:PDF
In recent years, microwave imaging has become a possible candidate for the early detection of breast cancer. Due to the different water content, there exists a dielectric contrast between malignant and healthy breast tissue at microwave frequencies. In addition, breast tumours appear relatively close to the skin surface, allowing low-power microwaves to penetrate through the tissue with a loss that is acceptably low to permit for a radar-like detection approach. While this imaging modality is relatively new, and a few prototypes have been reported, not many publications consider its safety.;This work studies the exposure of a breast in the far field of radiofrequency sources operating in the 0.434-9-GHz range to assess the safety of a basic radar microwave imaging system. The electromagnetic fields inside a realistic MRI-derived 3-D numerical breast model has been computed using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method with the help of SEMCAD-X (Schmid & Partner Engineering AG), a 3-D FDTD solver. It was used to model the resulting Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of the breast tissue exposed to a plane wave. Experimental results are presented and discussed to determine whether they comply with exposure limits from Health's Canada Safety Code 6.
Keywords/Search Tags:Breast, Safety, Microwave, Imaging
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