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In vitro examination of secondary caries using infrared photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence

Posted on:2013-09-14Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Kim, JunghoFull Text:PDF
Dental secondary caries is the carious lesion developed around existing restoration margins. Many new technologies have been developed for caries detection purposes, but their performance is unsatisfactory for the specific purpose of secondary caries diagnosis. Therefore, the development of a novel technology to detect secondary caries has been highly necessary. The objective of this research was to investigate the ability of photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence to detect secondary caries: wall lesions and outer lesions. Changes in experimental PTR-LUM signals due to sequential demineralization on vertical walls of sectioned tooth samples were investigated. Another study was conducted to investigate how two different types of secondary caries, wall lesions and outer lesions, affect the PTR-LUM signals. The studies demonstrated that PTR-LUM is sensitive to progressive demineralization and remineralization on vertical walls of sectioned tooth samples, as well as to the presence of wall lesions and outer lesions developed around composite restorations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Secondary caries, Wall lesions and outer lesions, Developed
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