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Animal-assisted therapy in Connecticut hospitals

Posted on:2012-12-29Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:Southern Connecticut State UniversityCandidate:Ritchie, JessicaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008491351Subject:Health Sciences
Animal-assisted therapy has been shown to be advantageous for many populations. This study assessed the knowledge levels and attitudes of health care administrators toward animal-assisted therapy to determine if further education on this topic is necessary. This alternative therapy can be effectively utilized to improve patient health. A self-report questionnaire, which was specifically designed for this study, was used to collect data and was delivered electronically. The results showed a mean knowledge score of 5.37 out of 7, demonstrating that health care administrators have a general understanding of animal-assisted therapy. There were no significant differences in knowledge based on demographic characteristics of administrators. Significant differences in attitudes were found based on type of facility and gender. Additional investigation is necessary to further examine potential relationships between knowledge and attitudes about this alternative therapeutic modality and possible demographic factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animal-assisted therapy, Attitudes
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