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Control of digital dermatitis on a California commercial dairy with a Treponema bacterin vaccine

Posted on:2005-11-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, FresnoCandidate:Harris, Monica JoanFull Text:PDF
A trial designed to test the efficacy of a Treponema bacterin vaccine for controlling digital dermatitis (DD) in the dairy industry was conducted on a large commercial-sized dairy for over one year. Heifers (234) and cows (259) were observed for presence or absence of lesions. Additionally designated animals (112) were used to test for the presence of Treponema antibody in their sera via ELISA testing. Observation data did not show effectiveness of the vaccine in the reduction of lesions or clinical signs of lesions. However, through antibody testing it was determined that vaccination created a titer response occurs. Vaccine administration though affected titer level positively, did not provide animals an immunological advantage in avoiding DD but did in some cases delay the onset of lesions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dairy, Treponema, Vaccine, Lesions
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