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Art therapy Intervention using Self-Narrative for Emerging Adulthood

Posted on:2017-10-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Hofstra UniversityCandidate:Jo, AraFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008466268Subject:Mental Health
This study explores the effectiveness of art therapy treatment for people who are experiencing emerging adulthood (Ages 18-25) and living in a multicultural environment to improve their self-awareness and resolve their adjustment difficulties. Young adult immigrants deal with multiple stresses and changes, as they adjust to living in a multi-cultural environment. The Study Group received 1-week group image projection - storytelling program. The participants were asked to complete pre and post questionnaires, and one art therapy session. The session included building relationships, bringing out their memories, addressing their feelings, creating their own story, and then leading the participants to focus on the present and, especially, the future. The study utilized both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze the data. The quantitative results showed in comparison with verbal group, the positive impact of art therapy was relatively noticeable in six ways; a sense of loss of hometown and family, a sense of marginality and alienation, negative feelings, difficulties in relationships, academic stresses, and difficulties in constructing a self-identity. It was suggested through this research that art therapy should be made more aware to others in order for others to have choices other than verbal therapy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art therapy
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