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Health insurance coverage and its effects on utilization and access to health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Posted on:2014-09-26Degree:M.P.PType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Branson, Terra LFull Text:PDF
This study uses Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data from 2001 to 2010 to measure the differences of utilization, access, and health disparities between whites and the combined group of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Comparing the two groups based on their insurance coverage type – private, public, and uninsured – the study finds that insurance coverage increases health care utilization and access and that this access has the potential to reduce the gap in health disparities between the two sub-populations. Additionally, the study illustrates that insurance status is not the sole predictor of health care access and utilization for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The results show there are still significant access differences among those with private and public insurance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Access, Insurance, American indians and alaska natives, Health, Utilization, Public
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