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A study on serious and persistent mental illness, barriers to the affordability of basic needs, and hospital recidivism

Posted on:2014-02-07Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Bush, Nickoletta IFull Text:PDF
This case study examines the policies associated with arena of mental illness in the recent decades proceeding the deinstitutionalization movement. While legislation has aimed to alleviate the barriers to community integration for individuals with mental illness, most policies do not present such barriers in a cohesive manner. This exploratory study identifies the multiple barriers to community integration, such as barriers to income, affordability of basic needs, and obtaining housing. Another aspect that is explored with regard to the SPMI population is the idiosyncrasy of mental health treatments and health care parity. Lastly, this study also aims to explore the housing models that serve the SPMI population throughout New York State. Policy implications include a more interconnected perspective of SPMI and barriers to basic needs on a myriad of related levels, rather than focusing on separate policies in this often disenfranchised population.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mental illness, Basic needs, Barriers, Policies
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