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The role of public relations in breast cancer walks

Posted on:2006-12-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Hoyle, Amy RoseFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008452759Subject:Mass Communications
Breast cancer awareness and fundraising has evolved in the past two decades. With an increase in cause-related marketing initiatives, organizations must consider how to brand an event in such a manner that it creates a binding and long-lasting relationship with participants ensuring not only current but future success.; This thesis examines the development of the extended-length breast cancer walk and demonstrates the successful role public relations plays in the event. In this case, public relations creates a connection between participants, the cause, the sponsor, and the event, triggering a behavioral change from awareness of an issue to active participation supporting the issue. This connection creates an influencer that brings credibility to the cause-related program. Finally, this thesis evaluates the marketing campaigns used and ascertains the best techniques and strategies for the public relations profession to follow when creating a breast cancer walk or cause-related initiative.
Keywords/Search Tags:Breast cancer, Public relations, Marketing, Cause-related
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