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Focal dystonia in trombonists: A reference tool for Brazilian music educators and performers

Posted on:2014-09-17Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:University of KentuckyCandidate:Ferreira, Alexandre MFull Text:PDF
This document will discuss Focal Task Specific Embouchure Dystonia (FTSED), a movement disorder that can affect brass musicians. The document's goal is not to only provide information for music educators, applied instructors, and performers in Brazil, but also retraining options for those who may be in need. It will discuss the existing literature, possible pedagogical implications that may contribute to the appearance of the disorder, explore personal cases of FTSD published in books, periodicals, and web pages. It will also discuss two retraining systems that the author experienced, provide considerations, suggestions and recommendations for future studies as well.;KEYWORDS: Musical Arts Medicine, Medical Problems of Brass Musicians, Focal Task Specific Embouchure Dystonia, Retraining, Performance Related Impairments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Focal, Dystonia
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