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Functional Investigation of Ribozymes and Ribozyme Candidates in Viruses, Bacteria and Eukaryote

Posted on:2015-02-22Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Yale UniversityCandidate:Chen, Andy GFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390005982252Subject:Molecular biology
Ribozymes are RNA molecules that are capable of catalyzing chemical reactions. Their well-defined structures allow them to fold into chemically active configurations for catalysis. The observation that RNA is essential for protein synthesis, coupled with the fact that RNA can hold hereditary information similar to DNA, inspired the RNA World Theory, which proposes that historically RNA-based life preceded the DNA-, RNA- and protein-based life in modern biology. My dissertation studies have focused on five classes of ribozymes as well as ribozyme candidates. First, I elucidated the regulatory mechanism of a natural allosteric ribozyme in Clostridium difficile. Second, I participated in the characterization of twister ribozymes, a novel class of self-cleaving RNA found in bacteria and eukaryotes. Third, I revealed additional phenotypes of Bacillus halodurans strains with deletion mutations of OLE RNAs. Fourth, I performed extensive investigations in search of the function of GOLLD RNAs in Mycobacteriophages and Lactobacillus brevis. Finally, I conducted preliminary analysis on ROOL RNAs in Lactobacillus salivarius to confirm computational predictions of this RNA class. Overall, my dissertation studies greatly advanced the body of knowledge in RNA biology, even in those pursuits where I encountered tremendous challenges.
Keywords/Search Tags:RNA, Ribozymes
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