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Tomato Juice Spiking Study: The Effects of Varying Sugar and Acid Levels on Taste Descriptors and Consumer Preference

Posted on:2012-12-31Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of California, DavisCandidate:Sovero, Sofia EmiliaFull Text:PDF
As tomatoes are one of the major crops in California, it is important for breeders to know what consumers like in tomatoes. Different levels of sugars and acids, as well as other non-volatile and volatile aromatic compounds, play a role in the flavor of tomatoes. If the levels of sugar and acids change, is there an effect on flavor and taste descriptors for the tomato? Also, do consumers have a preference for certain concentrations of sugars and acids? In this study a base tomato juice was spiked with different amounts of sugars, fructose and glucose, and citric acid. A descriptive analysis panel studied the effect of the change on taste and a consumer panel was run to test preference for the different samples, as well as "just about rightness" of the different levels of sugars and acids. Changing sugar and acid levels do produce significant changes in taste and flavor descriptors. Higher sugar concentrations increase sweet and caramel perception while added acids increase sour and citrusy perceptions. Different sugar and acid profiles will change consumer acceptance of the tomato juice. Most consumers tend to prefer tomato juice that is more sweet, however a good sugar/acid ratio is more important.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tomato, Consumer, Sugar, Acid, Levels, Taste, Descriptors
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