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Weed control programs and cotton tolerance in roundup ready flex cotton

Posted on:2006-10-23Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Walton, Jason JoeFull Text:PDF
Excellent control of pitted morningglory, entireleaf morningglory, smallflower morningglory, barnyardgrass, hemp sesbania, prickly sida, tall waterhemp, carpetweed, eclipta, and sicklepod were achieved with or without the use of residual herbicides in a Roundup Ready (RR) Flex weed control program. If residual herbicides were omitted from the program, late season applications of glyphosate were necessary to achieve the desired level of weed control.; Glyphosate was also applied at rates of 0.75 and 1.5 lb ae/a to RR and RR Flex cotton at the 3-, 3- followed by (fb) 6-, 3- fb 6- fb 9-, and 3- fb 6- fb 9- fb 12-node growth stages. RR Flex cotton yield and fruit distribution was unaffected regardless of rate or application timings. Although overall yield was unaffected in ST 4892 BR, dramatic differences were observed in fruit distribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Weed control, Flex, Cotton
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