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The Mirrors of Narcissus: Projections of mind and reflections of reality

Posted on:2014-02-12Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Miller, Nicole KavnerFull Text:PDF
This dissertation explores the archetype of the Mirror, as it appears in fairy tale, mythology, literature, film, and popular culture, and as a metaphor for how humans view and interact with the world around them. Mirrors provide an opportunity to see oneself from differing perspectives. These visceral experiences form either a validation of our mind's original impression of who we are, or they confront it, causing identity issues and the development of skewed outward projection.;Through the narratives that appear in tales such as Snow White, The Snow Queen, Harry Potter, Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf, the myth of "Echo and Narcissus," as well as other culture's myths and folktales, and using the lenses of C.G. Jung and other depth psychologists, this research explores how one's own perspective and understanding of the world is constructed by what is "seen" in the personal mirror and what is then projected outwards into the mirror of the world.;The thesis of this dissertation proposes that there is a potential for greater self-awareness stemming from understanding the various mirror projections and reflections humans experience of themselves in the world, and that this process is, in fact, integral in individuation.;The production component of this dissertation posits the potential positive effect of mirrors on the ultimate "lost in projection" everyman---Narcissus. This accompanying novella explores the possibilities of what might happen to Narcissus after he descends into Hades and learns his fate, and what it might take for Narcissus to really know himself; for him die to the old narcissistic Narcissus, and develop a sense of self-awareness, empathy for others, and authentic self-love.;KEYWORDS: Narcissus, individuation, mirror, Jung, self-awareness, projection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mirror, Narcissus, Projection
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