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Off-peak travel: Opportunities for transit

Posted on:2004-06-21Degree:M.Sc.EType:Thesis
University:University of New Brunswick (Canada)Candidate:Kim, CatherineFull Text:PDF
High peak-to-base ratios are costly to public transit providers. Peak period revenues do not offset the cost of the larger fleet and labour pool required to serve peak ridership. Leveling transit demand through the day can result in better capacity utilization and a lower operating ratio. Increasing off-peak ridership is one means of accomplishing this.; The existing data validation procedures are reviewed and further validation is carried out in an attempt to better quantify the degree to which off-peak travel is underrepresented. Midday travel is found to be significantly underreported, though underreporting for the evening off-peak is comparable to that for peak period values. On a modal basis, pedestrian trips are the most severely underreported, followed by transit, auto and bike trips. Transit trips are underrepresented by 14% to 17% in all times of day except for the early morning off-peak.; The study then briefly examines the designation of peak/off-peak periods before focusing on off-peak travel. A general profile of off-peak trips and tripmakers is developed, and then more specific segments of the off-peak market are examined and compared to transit service.; More specific study of interzonal, transit captive and student markets reveal some opportunity to increase off-peak ridership. Interzonal transit service is found not to echo general trip patterns---there is a relative lack of service between the west end of the study area and more central areas, an overabundance of local service, and an inordinate concentration of service in the downtown core. A relationship between bus modal share and low vehicle ownership suggests that there may be benefit in improving service for transit captives in central areas. Finally, it is proposed that transit's modal share could be increased in the corridor connecting the downtown area and the two university campuses with provision of a frequent, rapid and direct service. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Transit, Off-peak, Service
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