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Soil-structure interaction of fibre reinforced concrete beams-on-grade: Post-crack analysis

Posted on:2012-04-08Degree:M.Sc.EType:Thesis
University:University of New Brunswick (Canada)Candidate:Thompson, Adrian EllisFull Text:PDF
Over the past decade research has been undertaken at the University of New Brunswick on concrete beams and slabs on grade with various types of reinforcement. The goal of this project was to continue the previous research, with an emphasis being placed on controlled repetitive loading testing with the newly acquired MTS actuator. The testing program primarily focuses on the post-crack behavior of concrete beams on a lightweight aggregate bed with varying degrees of compaction.;This study consisted of testing eleven beams-on-grade to analyze the influence of the concrete reinforcement and subgrade compaction on the cracking load and post-crack performance of the concrete beams-on-grade.
Keywords/Search Tags:Concrete, Post-crack
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