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A wind tunnel study comparing the erosion of biological and salt crusted surfaces

Posted on:2012-12-27Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Trent University (Canada)Candidate:O'Brien, Patrick JamesFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008996551Subject:Physical geography
Biotic and salt crusts were eroded in a boundary layer simulation wind tunnel at various wind speeds. Data were collected using Laser Doppler Anemometry, Particle Tracking Velocimetry, and a three dimensional scanner in order to quantify crust breakdown. It was found that there is a large range in biotic crust resistance to erosion while the resistance of salt crusts is proportional to the salt concentration. Biotic crusts afford the best surface protection as compared to salt crusts. Increasing friction velocity (u* ), up to a certain point, increases the speed at which salt crusts break down. Cumulative distributions of total impact energy of outgoing grains are the most effective means of comparing the energy partitioning to a bed among varied crust types. Calculating mass fluxes from Digital Elevation Models is highly effective and useful for comparing salt and biotic crusts as well as evaluating the effect of varying wind speeds. Lastly, Laser Doppler Anemometry and Particle Tracking Velocimetry produce similar results over a crust surface and the results are consistent with published literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Crust, Salt, Wind, Comparing
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