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The museum of the city of Seattle

Posted on:2005-04-16Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Shaklee, Brian ChristopherFull Text:PDF
This thesis proposes to examine the urban restoration of a neglected and underutilized area of downtown Seattle, that being the parking garage bound by the intersections of Second Avenue, Yesler Way, and James Street, adjacent to the Pioneer Square Historic District. This urban restoration will take place in the design of a new museum dedicated to the history of Seattle. This design would also incorporate new spaces for the Seattle Underground Tour, currently conducted from the nearby Pioneer Building. In addition to providing a cultural resource for the city, this concept will provide outdoor space for use by the public and will restore a piece of the urban fabric that was destroyed in the 1960's urban movement. This site was the original location of the Seattle Hotel, a building that was demolished and converted into its present-day form, much to the chagrin of city preservationists.
Keywords/Search Tags:Seattle, City, Urban
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