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Responsive environments: Digital objects in the landscape

Posted on:2005-11-15Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Fernandez, FranciscoFull Text:PDF
This study explores how emergent technologies could be used in the enhancement of human made landscapes. It begins with the argument that digital information is becoming an important influence on society and that it is quickly moving to outdoor environments. The study is divided into four parts: Part One introduces the topic and describes the research premise; Part Two follows with reviews of emergent computing concepts and technologies, such as Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive Computing, Calm Technologies, RFID Tags, Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality; Part Three discusses the assumptions, limitations and relevance of using technology in the environment, it also presents the design program which outlines the parameters of a design scenario; in Part Four, the design scenario demonstrates how the researched technologies might be integrated into a site on campus to aid in the instruction of landscape architecture. This is followed by a review of the possible applications developed in the Design Scenario. The study concludes that it is an opportune time for the profession of landscape architecture to get involved in the exploration and development of emergent technologies. In order to be ready when widespread use of these systems arrives, they will have the ability to control the effects emergent technologies may have on landscapes, and take part in creating new applications and tools for the exploration and education of landscapes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emergent technologies, Landscapes, Part
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