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Three-axis force and moment transference through flexible foil thermal links

Posted on:2006-12-12Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Hansen, Andrew BFull Text:PDF
Six thermal links of varying geometry and physical makeup were provided by the Space Dynamics Laboratory for dynamic response characterization. Oscillatory displacements were applied to one end of each of the individual links in three separate axes. Forces and moments in the X, Y, and Z axes were measured at the other end and recorded. Testing was performed in air and in a vacuum to observe the damping effects of air. Effective stiffness was obtained from displacement versus force/moment plots for each of the unique test conditions. Data was reduced into a logical, concise form. Results of this study are to be used in a design setting to determine the effective stiffness that can be expected for a given link geometry and link operating condition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Effective stiffness
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