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Architectural Connections: Movement at Play

Posted on:2013-12-27Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Berckmans, RobertFull Text:PDF
Architectural structure, ornamentation, space, and other elements are generated by different types of physical connections and materials. It is generally recognized that the conventional method of connecting is based on rigidity and statics. However, we know that the introduction of movement in architecture offers the possibility of making building more energy-efficient, user-friendly, experiential, and functional. This thesis investigates movement in connections and their relationship with space. A further step will be to explore how the incorporation of movement in architecture can alter the user's experience of space, interactions with space and understanding of space. As an architectural and constructional approach, this is then explored further for the framework of playground structures; an assemblage that provides an array of changing elements, encouraging users to reconfigure their environment and to stimulate curiosity and delight.
Keywords/Search Tags:Connections, Movement, Space
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